Before selecting Finish on the last Start FASTTRACK WMS Container (4 of 4) screen, you must download and configure the WMS PC – FASTTRACK WMS Windows Client and HTML 5 – FASTTRACK WMS Mobile app
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Click on the first link – WMS PC – FASTTRACK WMS Windows Client
This will take you automatically to the Deployment page.
Note: this must be run in Chrome only as Internet Explorer is not supported
Select Install
This will run automatically. If it does not, then manually install by clicking the download file. Once completed the FASTTRACK WMS client will open immediately for you to log in
Test whether you can log in by selecting a Company and using the initial Operator name (as configured in 8.3 Import your License & Settings Import (3 of 4)
When you receive an error when trying to logon to the FASTTRACK WMS application, ensure that your Docker Engine Service is running - refer to FASTTRACK WMS Logon Error
FASTTRACK WMS should be running with no other configurations required
Note: Once the FASTTRACK WMS PC client is installed, you can access the HTML5 interface (mobile application) from the PC screen. Browse on the Ribbon Bar to Launch HTML5 and select Launch HTML 5. This must be run in Chrome only as Internet Explorer is not supported. To install the FASTTRACK WMS Mobile app on your mobile devices, refer to the Set up the Scanner user guide.
Go back to the FASTTRACK WMS Installer to download and run the HTML 5 – FASTTRACK WMS Mobile App. This is not mandatory, as it is typically installed on the mobile devices. For more information on how to install it on your mobile device, refer to the Set up the Scanner user guide.
Click on the second link – HTML 5 – FASTTRACK WMS Mobile app
Note: this must be run in Chrome only as Internet Explorer is not supported
The login screen will appear; log in using the initial Operator name (as configured in 8.3 Import your License & Settings Import (3 of 4))
The HTML 5 mobile screen will open; browse through the different screens
Note: You will notice the IP address is the Host IP address on which FASTTRACK WMS is hosted. Select Finish on the Start FASTTRACK WMS Container screen
This entire process should take you less than 10 min to complete.
Next, you will have to configure the Docker Printing setting.
If you experience any problems during the Docker Installation process, refer to Troubleshooting.