KPI Dashboard & Reporting / Standard Reports / Information Check RPT004
With the standard install of FASTTRACK WMS, you will have two default Receiving Bins for each warehouse selected already configured for you.
The two pre-configured default Bins created are:
· PICK-<warehouse>
· RECV-<warehouse>
Note: the <warehouse> will be replaced by the warehouse selected during the installation. If the warehouse name is longer than 4 characters, it will only take the first 4 characters.
These are just receiving bins used for picking and receiving.
To view the two pre-configured bins, browse from the Main Menu to KPI Dashboard & Reporting / Standard Reports / Information Check
If you don’t like reading, you can watch the video.
Try it!
Open the Information Check Module and select the Lookup Bin Window
In the Lookup Bin Window, you will see the default Bins created.
Notice that the bins are linked to a specific warehouse as well. You will see the pre-configured bins based on the warehouse you have selected.
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