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This module is available from the Main Menu under Work in Progress / Job Issues / Automated Posting Errors (Invoicing and Job Issuing) [CHK082] AND Order Packing & Check Out / Invoicing / Automated Posting Errors (Invoicing) [CHK082] AND Shipping / Invoicing / Automated Posting Errors (Shipping) [CHK082]
SYSPRO REQUIREMENTS & Business objects used
(linked - Automated Posting Errors (Invoicing) [CHK082] )
(linked - Automated Posting Errors (Shipping) [CHK082])
When a DATASCOPE WMS client is running the voice picking module for Sales order and or Job picking, this module is used to manage any failed transoceanic.
Where a scanner program will give an error directly to the scanner screen at the time of the user posting the transaction, the voice systems does not do this. As an example lets say that for some reason when the user picks an item and confirms on the scanner that 5 units are being picked the transaction will process this bin movement from the original bin location to the picking slip tracking ID and its associated bin location. Let us assume that DATASCOPE WMS and SYSPRO do not have the 5 units available in the bin to post. The scanner program will receive an error from SYSPRO "Insufficient stock in Bin XXXXXX" and this is immediately displayed on the scanner and the transaction fails to post. The user will then have to perform a cycle count on the bin or the units will have to be picked from an alternative bin.
The above does not take place in voice picking. With voice the software will simply apply the transaction of 5 units picked and move onto the next item to pick. This transaction of 5 units is written into an voice transaction posting queue. As the queue is processed, lines that fail to post will update into this screen with the failure reason code. A user will then need to review this screen regularly and make the required transaction adjustments to get the error lines to post. In the case on the transaction of 5 units, the user will perform the required cycle count and then select the repost button so that this transaction can flow through.
In the case of voice picking it is simply inefficient to try to communicate failures back to the voice picker with a long error message.
Incidentally, the voice system has an automatic stock adjustment function with an upper and lower limit. For instance if the transaction of 5 units will cause a failure the software can calculate what the bin stock holding is short and then post an adjustment on the bin immediately before posting the main transaction. provided the stock adjustment quantity is within the allowed tolerances.
Select Sales Orders or Jobs to review the relevant errors
Enter your date range to be reviewed
Refresh the grid to view any errors.
Click the "repost" link on each line to repost the transaction.
Continue to work through each line until the grid is cleared
This screen holds only error transactions from voice picking both on Sales Orders and Jobs.
SYSPRO Requirements & Business objects used
None (no transaction is posted here)
DATASCOPE Table updates
to be completed