Inventory Adjustment [STK020]

This module allows you to modify stock levels on a pallet. With seamless integration to SYSPRO, these adjustments will be posted to SYSPRO immediately.

Getting an error when doing an Inventory Adjustment on a WMS Bin. Refer to Inventory Adjustment Error

  • This will adjust the quantities in both SYSPRO and DATASCOPE WMS

  • Select Clear to clear the fields form all data.


  • Reason codes are recorded against the TrackID History (visible in the Reason column on the TrackID History [RPT002] and the GL codes will be posted to SYSPRO.


  • The reference posted to SYSPRO inventory movements depends on a System Setting. From the Ribbon bar, select Settings / System Settings and locate GENERAL in the System Name drop-down. Update the REPLACE_WMS_REFERENCE value. If the setting is Y, the reference posted will be IV### where ## is the TrackID number that was adjusted. If the setting is N, the reference will be whatever is specified in the System Setting INVENTORY_ADJUSTMENT, value INVENTORY_ADJ_REFERENCE

SYSPRO REQUIREMENTS & Business Objects used

  • Inventory Primary Posting

