Reference - Order Packing & Check Out / Check Out Options / MSN Grocery Pack / MSN Grocery Pack CHK100
This flexible checkout module is suitable for many different types of business environments. It can be used in a Small Parcel environment for boxes being shipped with FedEx, UPS, or similar courier companies or it can be used in an LTL or Less than Truckload type of environment, where there may be one or more entire pallets that you require to ship.
This module would typically be used after the WMS pick slip has been picked, but before it has been Invoiced or Dispatch Noted in SYSPRO
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Let’s start by looking at the Small Parcel Environment checkout.
This type of order is typically a sales order with various stock codes on it, but with a small quantity. They can be checked out using the MSN Grocery Checkout process in your checkout environment. In this type of checkout environment, you may find a typical grocery store look, with a few lanes of checkout users, each checking out individual small Qty orders. These can be physical checkout lanes within a warehouse, where each checkout user has their PC and printer.
Typically, the picker would then deliver their picked stock and pick slip to the start of these checkout lanes and the checkout user would perform a grocery-style checkout process on each pick slip. The stock to be checked will be packed into boxes or cartons and the software will print out a carton label for each box completed.
Confirm the correct status
As this module is only used after the pick slip has been picked it is important to note that the pick slip must have a Status of PICKED to start with the MSN Grocery checkout process.
To verify the status of the pick slip go to Confirm the pick slip status
Note: MSN stands for Master Shipment Number and is a sequential number that WMS automatically generates for every pick slip. This number will print on the physical pick slip document and will be used for the MSN Grocery Checkout process
Small Parcel process
On the Main Menu browse to Order Packing & Check Out / Check Out Options / MSN Grocery Pack / MSN Grocery Pack
The MSN Grocery Pack window will open
Start by entering your Pick Slip or MSN number in the MSN/Pick Slip field. You can also use the search icon to locate your Pick Slip
Once your MSN number is located, the software validates if any of the stock codes have a Pan Size in SYSPRO that is not configured
A Pan Size pop-up screen will appear, indicating whether there are stock codes with Pan Size values of 0
Note: You can use this process without Pan Size values, but ideally this should have been configured in SYSPRO per stock code to perform the checkout process smoothly by using the correct box or carton size. The Pan Size value is used to calculate the pick face bin size and utilization. For more information on configuring the Pan Size values refer to SYSPRO Master and Custom Data fields
If you do not want to use Pan Size values, you can just click past these messages
Note: If you do want to use Pan Size values, then you can view the Pack Size column. If there is a Pack size with a value of 0, then you can navigate to SYSPRO to Inventory / Setup / Stock Code and search for the stock code. Update the Pan size figure and save the stock code. For more information on configuring the Pan Size values refer to SYSPRO Master and Custom Data fields
The data grid displays all the stock codes and Qty to be packed on the pick slip. In the Qty to Pack, you will see the total Qty to be packed, and in the Qty Packed you will see Qty that has already been packed
You can now select your Carton Labels
For more information on Labels go to General Labeling
Packing and Labeling a full box
A predefined carton label has been provided with the WMS installation, which will print out for each carton pack. However, you can configure additional cartons and labels. For more information refer to Create packing cartons and General Labeling
To start labeling the boxes go to Packing and Labeling a full box (Small Parcels)
Packing and labeling loose quantities
Notice, that you might only have packed and labeled Full Boxes / Standard Packs so far, but there might still be stock codes left on the order with smaller quantities.
To start pack the remaining loose quantities into another box or carton go to Packing and Labeling loose quantities
Posting the transaction
Once all stock has been packed, and the correct Cartons are selected you can post the transaction. Go to Posting the transaction
Pack All
The Pack All button at the bottom of the screen is used to pack the entire pick slip into one carton.
Note: Depending on your environment this might be a problem. As this button is enabled by default, we advise you to disable it if not required.
In order to disable this button you must go to the Permissions setting - Go to the May_MSN_Pack_All permission
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