Shipping TrackID Reprint [SHP090]
Shipping TrackIDs are generally created during the checkout process. It can be used for loading the Shipping entity onto one of your trucks or a 3rd party logistic transport method, along with a Waybill or Bill of Lading document. These documents are also generated within the WMS as part of the Shipping process.
Once the dimensions and mass details have been updated, you should reprint the Shipping TrackID Label before you’re done. The reprinting function is very handy, as you might need to print the Shipping TrackIDs with the dimensions and mass visible.
User the filters on the left-hand side of the screen to locate the desired Shipping TrackID.
Select the Load to Grid button at the bottom of the filter selection screen.
You’ll be able to select the required template from the Label Template drop-down.
Detailed Shipping TrackID (with customer and waybill information) (DATASCOPE_SHIPPING_TRACKID_4x6.rpt)
Update the Number of Copies field.
Select the Print button.
Ensure the Shipping TrackID has an PACKED or ASSOCIATED status and the dimensions and mass columns have been updated.
SYSPRO REQUIREMENTS & Business objects used