Receiving KPI Reports

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The following reports help monitor your Receiving processes. Each report has example scripts that you can use.

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Pallets and Age in Receiving Bin

This report shows the pallets in the Receiving Bin (refer to Bin column) and how long they have been there (refer to DaysOld column)

Example Report

SQL Script

select B.Bin, P.PalletNumber, PIT.StockCode, PIT.Qty, P.DateActivated, P.Status, DATEPART(dd,(GETDATE()-P.DateActivated)) as DaysOld, ISNULL(PIT.PurchaseOrder,'') as PurchaseOrder, ISNULL(PIT.ShipmentReference,'') as ShipRef from WarehouseCompanyTest.dbo.tblPalletItem PIT with (nolock) INNER JOIN WarehouseCompanyTest.dbo.tblPallet P with (nolock) on P.PalletNumber=PIT.PalletNumber INNER JOIN WarehouseCompanyTest.dbo.tblBin B with (nolock) on P.Bin=B.Bin where B.Bin In ('RECV01','RECV0B') and PIT.Qty>'0' and P.Status<>'INACTIVE' ORDER BY B.Bin, P.DateActivated, P.PalletNumber, PIT.StockCode

Containers arriving based on estimated arrival date

This is a SYSPRO Query


SQL Script

SELECT LCE.Vessel,LCH.VesselName, LCE.ShipmentReference, LCE.DepartureDate, LCH.EstArrivalDate, LCH.ActArrivalDate, LCH.[Route], LCE.Supplier FROM SysproCompanyTest.dbo.LctCostEleDet LCE INNER JOIN SysproCompanyTest.dbo.LctShipmentHdr LCH with (nolock) ON LCE.Vessel = LCH.Vessel AND LCE.DepartureDate = LCH.DepartureDate where LCH.ActArrivalDate IS NULL AND LCH.EstArrivalDate>'2017-01-01' GROUP BY LCE.Vessel,LCH.VesselName, LCE.ShipmentReference, LCE.DepartureDate, LCH.EstArrivalDate, LCH.ActArrivalDate, LCH.[Route], LCE.Supplier ORDER BY LCH.EstArrivalDate

Job received destined for orders

This report looks for jobs that have been received, stock is still on job receipt pallet, and matches to outstanding sales orders that do not have pick slips out already for those lines. I.e. indicates what could be released now.

SQL Script

--- sales order to pallet reserved view Select PR.StockCode, PR.Line, sum(PR.QtyOrdered) as Qtyres, PSS.SourceNumber into #SourceRes from tblPalletReserved PR with (nolock) InneR JOIN tblPickingSlipSource PSS with (nolock) ON PR.PickingSlipNumber=PSS.PickingSlipNumber INneR JOIN SysproCompanyTest.dbo.SorDetail SD with (nolock) on SD.SalesOrder=PSS.SourceNumber where PR.Status='OPEN' group by PSS.SourceNumber, PR.StockCode, PR.Line select PA.PalletNumber, PA.ActionDate as JobRecDate, PA.Module, PIT.JobNumber, PA.StockCode, PA.Quantity as JobQty, PIT.Qty as QtyonPallet, SM.SalesOrder,SM.ReqShipDate, SM.EntrySystemDate, SD.MBackOrderQty, #SourceRes.Line, #SourceRes.Qtyres from tblPalletAction PA with (nolock) inneR JOIN tblPalletItem PIT with (nolock) on PIT.PalletNumber=PA.PalletNumber Inner join SysproCompanyTest.dbo.SorDetail SD with (nolock) on SD.MStockCode=PA.StockCode inner join SysproCompanyTest.dbo.SorMaster SM with (nolock) on SM.SalesOrder=SD.SalesOrder left join #SourceRes on SD.SalesOrder=#SourceRes.SourceNumber and SD.SalesOrderLine=#SourceRes.Line where PA.Module LIke 'JOB RECEIPT' and SD.MBackOrderQty>'0' and SM.OrderStatus IN ('1','2','3','S','8') and PIT.Qty>'0' and #SourceRes.Qtyres is NULL ORDER BY SM.ReqShipDate

Orders waiting on a stock code

Enter a stock code that has just come in, sales orders that are waiting on the stock code will display.

SQL Script

Putaway per hour

Best on a graph in SSRS run each day to see when users are most productive.

SQL Script

Putaway statistics

Putaway Report by user.

SQL Script