Checkout KPI Reports

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The following reports can be used to measure cartons packed/checked out if you are picking to box or packing to carton.

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Checkout Packer Statistics

Boxes packed per Packer (typically used in Pack to Box sites) for a specific date range.

Report example

SQL Script

select A.Operator, Count(distinct I.PalletNumber) as NumberofBoxes--, Sum(I.Qty) as TotalQuantity --, L.OperatorName from tblPalletItem I with (nolock) inner join tblPalletAction A with (nolock) on I.PalletNumber=A.PalletNumber and A.ActionName='ACTIVE' left join Warehouse_Control.dbo.tblLicensedUsers L with (nolock) on A.Operator=L.UserName where I.PalletNumber like '%+%+B%' and Cast(A.ActionDate as Date)>=@FromDate and Cast(A.ActionDate as Date)<@ToDate group by A.Operator,L.OperatorName order by NumberofBoxes DESC

Monthly invoiced value

Report display monthly invoiced value


SQL Script

SELECT CAST (DATEPART(YEAR, InvoiceDate) AS VARCHAR) + '/' + CAST( DATEPART(MONTH, InvoiceDate) AS VARCHAR) AS 'Month', SUM(NetSalesValue) AS 'SalesValue' FROM SysproCompanyTest.dbo.ArTrnDetail WHERE InvoiceDate > DATEADD(yy,-1,getdate()) GROUP BY DATEPART(YEAR, InvoiceDate) , DATEPART(MONTH, InvoiceDate) ORDER BY DATEPART(YEAR, InvoiceDate) DESC , DATEPART(MONTH, InvoiceDate) DESC;

Turn around time

This report display the time it took from order entry to Dispatch through each status.

SQL Script

select PSH.PickingSlipNumber, PSH.TimeStamp as PKPrint, PSH.Operator, LU.OperatorName into #PKPRINT from tblPickingSlipStatusHistory PSH with (nolock) INNER JOIN Warehouse_Control.dbo.tblLicensedUsers LU on PSH.Operator=LU.UserName where PSH.[Status]='PRINTED' and Warehouse='ALL' select PSH.PickingSlipNumber, PSH.TimeStamp as PKStart, PSH.Operator, LU.OperatorName into #PKSTART from tblPickingSlipStatusHistory PSH with (nolock) INNER JOIN Warehouse_Control.dbo.tblLicensedUsers LU on PSH.Operator=LU.UserName where PSH.[Status]='STARTED' and Warehouse='ALL' select PSH.PickingSlipNumber, max(PSH.TimeStamp) as PKPicked, PSH.Operator, LU.OperatorName into #PKPICKED from tblPickingSlipStatusHistory PSH with (nolock) INNER JOIN Warehouse_Control.dbo.tblLicensedUsers LU on PSH.Operator=LU.UserName where PSH.[Status]='PICKED' and Warehouse='ALL' group by PSH.PickingSlipNumber, PSH.Operator, LU.OperatorName select PSH.PickingSlipNumber, PSH.TimeStamp as PKChecked, PSH.Operator, LU.OperatorName into #PKCHECKED from tblPickingSlipStatusHistory PSH with (nolock) INNER JOIN Warehouse_Control.dbo.tblLicensedUsers LU on PSH.Operator=LU.UserName where PSH.[Status]='CHECKED' and Warehouse='ALL' select PSH.PickingSlipNumber, PSH.TimeStamp as PKCOMPL, PSH.Operator, LU.OperatorName, PSH.Warehouse into #PKCOMPL from tblPickingSlipStatusHistory PSH with (nolock) INNER JOIN Warehouse_Control.dbo.tblLicensedUsers LU on PSH.Operator=LU.UserName where PSH.[Status]='INVOICED' OR PSH.[Status]='D/NOTE' Select PSS.SourceNumber, PSS.PickingSlipNumber, PS.[Status] as CurrentStatus, COUNT(PSI.Line) as LineCount, PSS.EntryDateTime into #SOs from tblPickingSlipSource PSS with (nolock) INNER JOIN tblPickingSlip PS with (nolock) on PS.PickingSlipNumber=PSS.PickingSlipNumber INNER JOIN tblPickingSlipItem PSI with (nolock) on PSI.PickingSlipSourceNumber=PSS.PickingSlipSourceNumber group by PSS.SourceNumber, PSS.PickingSlipNumber, PSS.EntryDateTime, PS.Status select S.SourceNumber as SalesOrder, S.PickingSlipNumber, S.CurrentStatus, S.LineCount, S.EntryDateTime, PP.OperatorName as PrintOperator, PP.PKPrint as PrintedTime, PS.OperatorName as Picker, PS.PKStart as StartPickTime, PK.PKPicked as EndPickTime, datediff(MINUTE,PS.PKStart, PK.PKPicked)as PickDuration_in_minutes, PC.OperatorName as Checker, PC.PKChecked as CheckedTime,PKI.PKCOMPL as Invoiced_or_DNOTE_Time, DATEDIFF(minute, PC.PKChecked, PKI.PKCOMPL) as Time_from_Check_to_invoic_in_minutes, datediff(minute,PP.PKPrint,PS.PKStart)as Time_from_Print_to_Start, datediff(minute, PP.PKPrint,PKI.PKCOMPL) as Time_from_printed_to_Invoiced from #SOs S INNER JOIN #PKPRINT PP on S.PickingSlipNumber=PP.PickingSlipNumber INNER JOIN #PKSTART PS on S.PickingSlipNumber=PS.PickingSlipNumber INNER JOIN #PKPICKED PK on S.PickingSlipNumber=PK.PickingSlipNumber INNER JOIN #PKCHECKED PC on S.PickingSlipNumber=PC.PickingSlipNumber left JOIN #PKCOMPL PKI on S.PickingSlipNumber=PKI.PickingSlipNumber where S.EntryDateTime>'2018-01-01' ORDER BY S.EntryDateTime drop table #PKPRINT drop table #PKSTART drop table #PKPICKED drop table #PKCHECKED drop table #PKCOMPL drop table #SOs