Dispatch KPI Reports
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The reports listed here can be used for KPIs to monitor your dispatch area.
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Picking Slips and shipping pallets not loaded after X days
This report display a list of Shipping pallets that have not been loaded.
Report example
SQL Script
select WBO.Waybill, PSS.SourceNumber, PSS.Customer, PSS.CustomerName, PS.PickingSlipNumber, PS.Status, PSI.PrintedTime,
STO.ShippingTrackId, P.ShippingStatus, STO.Selected, datediff(dd,PSI.PrintedTime,getdate()) as Days_since_Printing
WarehouseCompanyTest.dbo.tblWaybillOrder WBO with (nolock)
inner join tblPickingSlip PS with (nolock) on WBO.PickingSlipNumber=PS.PickingSlipNumber
INNER JOIN WarehouseCompanyTest.dbo.tblPickingSlipSource PSS with (nolock) on PSS.PickingSlipNumber=WBO.PickingSlipNumber
INNER JOIN WarehouseCompanyTest.dbo.tblPickingSlipItem PSI with (nolock) on PSS.PickingSlipSourceNumber=PSI.PickingSlipSourceNumber
INNER JOIN WarehouseCompanyTest.dbo.tblShippingTrackIdOrder STO with (nolock) on PS.PickingSlipNumber=STO.PickingSlipNumber
inner join WarehouseCompanyTest.dbo.tblPallet P with (nolock) on P.PalletNumber=STO.ShippingTrackId
where P.ShippingStatus NOT IN ('LOADED','COMPLETE') and STO.Selected='1'
group by WBO.Waybill, PSS.SourceNumber, PSS.Customer, PSS.CustomerName, PS.PickingSlipNumber, PS.Status, PSI.PrintedTime, STO.ShippingTrackId, P.ShippingStatus, STO.Selected
Sales Orders dispatched not invoiced
This report display orders that have been dispatched but not invoiced.
Report example
SQL Script
select MDM.SalesOrder, MDM.DispatchNote, MDM.DispatchNoteStatus, MDM.Invoice, MDM.Customer, MDM.CustomerName, PSS.PickingSlipNumber, PS.Status, sum(SD.MBackOrderQty) as [Qty on Backorder], sum(SD.QtyReserved) as [Qty Reserved]
from SysproCompanyTest.dbo.MdnMaster MDM with (nolock)
inner join SysproCompanyTest.dbo.SorDetail SD with (nolock) on SD.SalesOrder=MDM.SalesOrder
left join WarehouseCompanyTest.dbo.tblPickingSlipSource PSS with (nolock) on PSS.SourceNumber=MDM.SalesOrder
inner join WarehouseCompanyTest.dbo.tblPickingSlip PS with (nolock) on PS.PickingSlipNumber=PSS.PickingSlipNumber
where MDM.Invoice=''
group by MDM.SalesOrder, MDM.DispatchNote, MDM.DispatchNoteStatus, MDM.Invoice, MDM.Customer, MDM.CustomerName, PSS.PickingSlipNumber, PS.Status
Any Pick Slip in COMPLETE status, but no lines dispatched in DATASCOPE
This report will display orders that needs to be dispatched in SYSPRO or put back to stock an repacked
SQL Script
select PSS.SourceNumber, PS.PickingSlipNumber, PS.Status, ISNULL(PRA.Line,PR.Line) as Line, isnull(PRA.StockCode,PR.StockCode) as StockCode, MDD.SalesOrderLine, MDD.MStockCode
from WarehouseCompanyTest.dbo.tblPickingSlip PS with (nolock)
inner join WarehouseCompanyTest.dbo.tblPickingSlipSource PSS with (nolock) on PS.PickingSlipNumber=PSS.PickingSlipNumber
left join WarehouseCompanyTest.dbo.tblPalletReserved PR with (nolock) on PR.PickingSlipNumber=PS.PickingSlipNumber
left join WarehouseCompanyTest.dbo.tblPalletReservedArchive PRA with (nolock) on PRA.PickingSlipNumber=PS.PickingSlipNumber
left join SysproCompanyTest.dbo.MdnDetail MDD with (nolock) on MDD.SalesOrder=PSS.SourceNumber and MDD.SalesOrderLine=ISNULL(PRA.Line, PR.Line)
where MDD.SalesOrderLine iS NULL and PS.Status='COMPLETE'