Packing and Labeling a full box (Small Parcels)

Reference - Order Packing & Check Out / Check Out Options / MSN Grocery Pack / MSN Grocery Pack MSN Grocery Pack [CHK100]

A predefined carton label has been provided with the WMS installation, which will print out for each carton pack. However, you can configure additional cartons and labels.  For more information refer to Create packing cartons and General Labeling


You now have a pick slip (or MSN) open and are ready to select and print the carton labels.

Try it!

  • Select the browse icon next to the Carton Size field and select a carton size. Ensure to select the correct size which appropriately fits the current box you are checking out


Select Carton Size
  • If you do use the Pan Sizes and the Full Box or Standard Pack options, you can select the Standard Packs button at the bottom-right corner of the screen

Select the Standard Packs option
  • A pop-up window will appear where you can see how many full boxes the software calculates you must pack. This is based on a calculation of dividing your Qty Picked by the Pan Size value for each item

  • Selecting the Print link on the Pack Size Boxing data grid will print the first range of labels. The number of labels that will print, depends on the total number of boxes

  • The MSN_GROCERY_CHECKOUT_LABEL setting under Settings / Printers on the Ribbon Bar must point to the physical printer. For more information refer to Configure Printers

  • If you have Standards Packs remaining to pack for other stock codes, you can click on the Print link against that line to generate the carton labels

  • If you close the Pack Size Boxing screen, the MSN Grocery Pack screen will update, and the number of labels printed will show in the Completed Cartons list on the right-hand side of the screen

  • The checkout user will physically attach these labels to the already-packed cartons

  • The Stock Already Packed Tab is used to view the details of the cartons. This data grid also has a drill-in functionality, showing what is in each carton

  • Notice, that you might only have packed and labeled only Full Boxes / Standard Packs so far, but there might still be stock codes left on the order with smaller quantities.

Let us pack the remaining loose quantities into another box or carton. Go to Packing and Labeling loose quantities