Return Merchandise [RET004]
You would typically process a Credit Note within SYSPRO using their RMA (Return Merchandise Authorization) Module. However, once the stock is returned to a warehouse, the DATASCOPE WMS Return Merchandise HTML5 module can receive the stock and generate the Credit Note within SYSPRO.
The DATASCOPE WMS Return Merchandise and the SYSPRO RMA (Return Merchandise Authorization) module work hand-in-hand.
There are two actions within the Return Merchandise HTML5 module:
Just so you know – only the Credit action is discussed here.
You can start by viewing the RMA in SYSPRO, as you will need the RMA Number to use this module.
If you open the Return Merchandise module, the first Tab, Item, of three Tabs (Item, Summary, Put-Away) will be visible at the bottom of the screen.
Item Tab
Insert or select the Warehouse against which the RMA was processed. (this should be visible in the RMA Query screen in SYSPRO)
All incomplete RMA numbers in SYSPRO for the selected Warehouse will appear in the RMA drop-down list.
Select the applicable RMA number from the drop-down or scan the RMA number on the SYSPRO barcode label.
Once selected, the data grid will populate with the detail (all stock codes) on the applicable RMA.
The user must select what action must be performed for a specific stock code in the data grid.
Select the drop-down for the Action to be selected. Currently, there are two possible actions: Credit and Inspect.
Note: Only the Credit option is discussed here.
Select the Credit option. This option will automatically generate a Credit note within SYSPRO against the customer for the scanned stock code when you Post the applicable line.
Next, select a returned stock code from the data grid or scan the applicable stock code.
The Description, Lot (if applicable), and Quantity Remaining will populate automatically.
Enter a Quantity for the item being returned.
An existing TrackID can be entered into the TrackID field as the destination pallet. However, this TrackID must be in a CREATED status.
The TrackID field can also be left empty if an existing TrackID is not applicable.
Select Add.
If the TrackID field was left blank, the system will generate a new TrackID, with the status CREATED, with the selected stock code on it.
A printer pop-up will appear.
An RMA TrackID label will then be printed.
After selecting Add, the scanned stock code will appear on the Summary Tab at the bottom of the Return Merchandise HTML5 screen.
Summary Tab
Under the RMA Qty column, you will see the total Qty of each stock code or Lot.
Under the Qty Scanned column, you will see the Qty of stock already scanned.
These two columns must match. Once they match, the line will turn from red to green, and all returned stock should have been scanned.
Continue with the above process until all stock codes that have physically been received have been scanned and all lines on the Summary Tab are green.
Note: If you scan the remaining stock codes, you can add the previously created RMA TrackID number. The system will recognize that the TrackID has already been printed and will not print it again but add the remaining stock codes to it.
Select the Post button on the Summary Tab
This will create a receipt of the scanned products on the RMA in SYSPRO. As we already select the Credit action, it will automatically generate a credit note against that customer in SYSPRO. Similar to the standard SYSPRO RMA module if you would have chosen Credit from the Action list in SYSPRO.
If required, you can view the RMA in SYSPRO again, after you have selected Post on the Summary Tab. You will then notice the following:
that the Status has changed to Partially Complete or Completed.
In the data grid under Detail Lines, you can see that the stock codes have been received and the Action is Credit.
You will see per line the Quantity received.
If you open the Credit note by selecting the Credit link, you will see that the Inventory has been updated and a Credit note number has been generated automatically.
Next, the received stock must be put away into their destination bins. This is performed by selecting the Put Away tab on the Return Merchandise HTML5 screen.
Put Away Tab
When performing this put-away transaction, a bin (or warehouse) transfer will be performed to move the stock from the RMA Default Bin to the To Bin, which must be scanned or entered in the To Bin field on the Put Away Tab.
Enter or scan the RMA TrackID number that has been generated earlier into the TrackID field.
The Current Bin and RMA Reference number will load automatically. The Current Bin refers to the RMA Default Bin.
When the RMA TrackID was created, it was put into the RMA Default Bin. This has been configured in the DATASCOPE WMS Warehouse System Setting. From the Ribbon Bar, browse Settings / Warehouse settings, select the applicable warehouse, and locate the RETURN_MERCHANDISE setting name. Locate the setting DEFAULT_BIN if you need to update this default Bin.
Enter or scan the To Bin where the stock will be moved.
Select Post
All the steps for creating the TrackID for the RMA will be visible in the TrackID History report on the PC-screen.
Ensure a physical printer has been configured.
To configure the correct .rpt template for the RMA TrackID label, from the Ribbon Bar, browse to Settings / System Settings / RETURN_MERCHANDISE and locate the DEFAULT_TRACKID_LABEL Setting Name. The correct .rpt is the DATASCOPE_TRACKID_RMA_4X2.5.rpt
SYSPRO REQUIREMENTS & Business objects used
An RMA document template can be configured in SYSPRO to print the RMA number in a barcode format. This will assist the user with easy scanning in DATASCOPE WMS when returning the stock.
The SYSPRO Presentation Length field must be updated to 15 characters for Sales Orders. Please look at SYSPRO Presentation Length in the DATASCOPE WMS User Guides. <note: this is required for the Credit Note Action on the HTML5 screen>
Release notes 24.3 (Ticket #8894) -After entering a value in the quantity field on the Item tab, the conversion from stocking UOM to Alternative UOM will be displayed on a label next to the Qty Remaining and Quantity fields.