SCT OUT and GIT IN process
The SCT (Supply Chain Transfer) and GIT (Goods in Transit) modules have been designed to manage interbranch transfer. Businesses typically use the SCT (Supply Chain Transfer) process or SCT transaction in SYSPRO to move stock from a supplying or source warehouse to a destination or target warehouse.
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In this user guide, we will review two different types of SCTs:
SCT OUT for full TrackIDs – in this scenario, the TrackIDs picked for SCT are full TrackIDs. Full TrackIDs mean that the total QTY on the TrackID is the QTY that will be picked for the SCT. In this scenario, no partial pallets/TrackIDs are picked.
SCT OUT for mixed SKU TrackIDs – in this scenario, the TrackIDs picked for SCT are mixed SKU TrackIDs. Suppose your target warehouse has run short of certain stock items and needs to replenish from another source warehouse. In that case, you can generate an SCT pick for the items you need and pick these onto one or two mixed SKU pallets, perform a GIT IN in the target warehouse, and re-pack the goods onto new TrackIDs to put away.