SYSPRO Purchase Order Receipt Setting


During the installation phase of FASTTRACK WMS, certain SYSPRO Settings must be updated to work with FASTTRACK WMS.

In this user guide, we will discuss these key fields. Please note that all fields discussed in this user guide might not all apply to FASTTRACK WMS. Some of them are only applicable to DATASCOPE PREMIUM WMS.

For more information, refer to Purchase Order Receipt error - lookup icon Error and Purchase Order Receipt Error - Receiving a Purchase Order

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fasttrack_SYSPRO_SETTINGS_FOR_PURCHASE_ORDER_RECEIPT_Installation_QG - v0.1.docx

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Purchase Order Receipt - lookup error

Description of the problem

Getting an error when selecting the lookup icon next to the Purchase Order field in the Receipt Purchase Order module (located under Inbound / Purchase Order Receipt / Receipt Purchas Order)


The error refers to missing Syspro Custom table [PorMasterHdr+]. This error is showing up because, FASTTRACK – PO Receipt is trying to access SYSPRO Custom table [PorMasterHdr +], and from the error log it looks like this table has no columns added to it.

You will need to set up this table in SYSPRO. To resolve the error, you need to setup at least one field within this custom table.

[PorMasterHdr+] is a custom table within SYSPRO to hold additional Purchase Order Header data. To create this custom form field:

  • In SYSPRO, navigate to Administration on the Ribbon Bar

  • Select Custom Forms under the Customization section.

  • Select Purchase Order [PorMasterHdr+]

  • The Custom Form Design – Purchase Order window will open.

  • Select New and enter the new field details in the Field Properties and save the field data.


There’s another Custom table [PorMasterDetail+] that needs to be setup.

[PorMasterDetail +] is a custom table within SYSPRO to hold additional Purchase Order Line information. To create this custom form field:

  • In SYSPRO, navigate to Administration on the Ribbon Bar

  • Select Custom Forms under the Customization section.

  • Select Purchase Order [PorMasterDetail +]

  • The Custom Form Design – Purchase Order Line window will open.

  • Select New and enter the new field details in the Field Properties and save the field data.

Purchase Order Receipt – receiving a purchase order

Description of the problem

Getting an error when trying to receive a purchase order line in the Receipt Purchase Order module (located under Inbound / Purchase Order Receipt / Receipt Purchas Order)

The error refers to missing Syspro Custom table [ApSupplier +]. This error is showing up because, FASTTRACK – PO Receipt is trying to access SYSPRO Custom table [ApSupplier +], and from the error log it looks like this table has no columns added to it.


You will need to set up this table in SYSPRO. To resolve the error, you need to setup at least one field within this custom table.

[ApSupplier +] is a custom table within SYSPRO to hold additional Supplier data. To create this custom form field:

  • In SYSPRO, navigate to Administration on the Ribbon Bar

  • Select Custom Forms under the Customization section.

  • Select Supplier [ApSupplier+] link.

  • The Custom Form Design – Supplier window will open.

  • Select New and enter the new field details in the Field Properties and save the field data.

For more information, refer to Purchase Order Receipt error - lookup icon Error and Purchase Order Receipt Error - Receiving a Purchase Order