GIT Out [GIT042]

This module allows users to easily transfer DATASCOPE WMS TrackIDs from one SYSPRO warehouse to another.

Typically, this module will be used when a production facility manufactures pallet loads of products, and the pallets must be transferred to a central distribution center (DC). The production facility will be configured as one warehouse in SYSPRO and the central distribution center (DC) as another warehouse.

The standard Job Receipt process would bring the pallets into inventory in the production warehouse. The production warehouse is also called the ‘supplying or source warehouse.’

At this stage, the product will be ready to be moved to the central distribution center (DC), and a shuttle truck will be driving the job-receipted pallets to the DC (Warehouse FG).

This GIT OUT mobile screen will be used to load the pallets on the shuttle truck.

  • The source (production warehouse) and target warehouse (central distribution center) will appear in the drop-down list.

  • Select the Create New button to create a new GIT OUT transaction.

Note: a GIT Temp Reference number will automatically appear on the screen in the GIT Temp Reference in progress field.

  • Select Next to continue to the GIT Out TAB.

  • Start to scan all the TrackIDs (received via the Job Receipt process.)

Note: As you scan more TrackIDs, the No Pallets field will increase.

  • The details of the scanned TrackIDs are visible on the Summary TAB.

  • If an error was made, a TrackID can be deleted from the list.

  • Select the TrackID on the Summary TAB

  • Select the Delete button.

  • The list of TrackIDs visible in the Summary Tab has been assigned a temporary GIT reference number. Therefore, the Operator can exist and re-enter the screen at any point before completing the GIT.

  • When re-entering the GIT Out mobile screen, they can just select the temporary GIT reference number from the GIT Temp Reference in progress drop-down on the Start TAB.

  • Once the truck is full, the GIT Out can be processed.

  • Select the Create GIT button on the Summary TAB.

  • A pop-up message will appear, asking whether all TrackIDs have been scanned.

  • The Printer pop-up will appear. Select Apply to print the GIT Out document.

  • The GIT Out reference number is created automatically.

  • A uniquely numbered GIT Out document will print.

  • The TrackID on the GIT Out document will become INACTIVE in DATASCOPE WMS.


  • A GIT Out document reprint can be done via the PC screen. On the Main Menu, browse SCT & GIT / Reprint GIT Document. When the GIT Out document is reprinted, a large REPRINT message will be displayed on the document. This is to indicate that it is a duplicate copy. This is required for security reasons.

  • GIT details can be seen on the TrackID History. On the Main Menu, browse to KPI Dashboard & Reporting / Standard Reports / TrackID History


  • Ensure the System Settings are pointing to a physical label printer to print the GIT Out document. To view or update this, go to Settings / Printers. You can use the filter icon to locate the GITOUTDOCUMENTPRINTING System Action.

SYSPRO REQUIREMENTS & Business objects used

  • The ‘move relationship’ within SYSPRO must be configured. Browse to Inventory / Goods in Transit / Setup / Warehouse Move Matrix.

  • The GIT Out transaction is also automatically performed in SYSPRO. To view this in SYSPRO, perform a GIT Reference Query. Browse to Inventory / Goods in Transit / GIT Reference Query