Stock Take Reports (extra features)
Stock Take and Cycle Counting / Stock Taking / Stock Taking [STK001]
The Stock Take module in DATASCOPE WMS is a crucial tool. It is widely used and offers significant advantages over traditional stock counts when captured directly into SYSPRO.
Some additional features have been added to this module, which are covered in this user guide.
Release v23.3 - The Reports filter from the previous version is removed. These reports are now displayed as Tabs with the respective data grids.(DevOps Ticket # 6390)
Please take a look at the Stock Take User Guide for a detailed DATASCOPE WMS Stock Take module overview.
If you don’t like reading, you can watch the video.
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The following additional Tabs have been added to the Stock Take screen.
Full Report
This report shows every DATASCOPE PREMIUM WMS Bin and TrackID in the selected warehouse, whether counted in the current stock take or not. This is the entire master report of every item that needs to be and has already been counted.
The stock count will start populating on the screen's right-hand side as Operators move through the warehouse and count stock using the HTML5 Stock Taking module on mobile devices.
Use the Quick Filters at the bottom of the screen to filter the data set, making managing large amounts of data easier.
Enter a Stock code, TrackID, or Bin in the available fields and select Apply.
The data grid will update with the filter data.
To clear the filter, select the Clear button.
Exceptions Only Report
The Exception Only Report tab displays the variance between the DATASCOPE PREMIUM WMS theoretical QTY and the counted QTY (via the HTML5 Stock Take module) when it is not zero. Therefore, the data shows whether there is a positive or negative variance between what has been counted physically (via the HTML5 Stock Take module) on the warehouse floor and what the system is holding as a theoretical QTY against the TrackID.
The physically counted TrackIDs displayed in the ScannedBin column all have non-zero variances.
This report helps manage a Recount Team by showing which bins and track IDs need revisited because variations have been identified.
Uncounted Bin Report
The Uncounted Bin Report tab lists all the uncounted Bins in the selected Warehouse. It is very useful for ensuring that a Count Team has visited every Bin in the Warehouse. When Bins are counted (via the HTML5 Stock Take module) from this list, they will disappear from the report.
Empty Bins Report
This report lists all the Bins visited and counted as EMPTY via the HTML5 Stock Take module.
This is typically done by entering the Bin location and selecting the Empty Bin button without scanning anything else, as there is nothing physically in the Bin.
Uncounted TrackIDs Report
The Uncounted TrackIDs Report tab lists all the TrackIDs that have not been scanned (via the HTML5 Stock Taking module).
This report is helpful to ensure all TrackIDs in the Warehouse have at least once been counted.
When TrackIDs are scanned (via the HTML5 Stock Take module) from this list, they will disappear from the report.
Delete Selected Counts
Another new feature added to the Stock-Taking screen is the Delete Selected Counts button. This button removes already-counted items from the data grid for the Full Report and the Exceptions Only Report. Both these screens have a DeleteCount check box column.
Scroll to the far right of the data grid to view this column.
Select the check box for the required Bins to be removed and select the Delete Selected Count button to remove the counts from the system.
A pop-up message will appear, notifying you that the transaction will require a report from SYSPRO for the data to reflect correctly on SYSPRO’s side.
The data grid will refresh automatically, removing the selected lines.
For more information on the Stock Take module, refer to Stock Taking