Adding Dimensions and Mass

Shipping / Shipping TrackID Dimensions and Mass - Shipping TrackID Dimensions and Mass [SHP013]

At this stage, the Shipping TrackIDs are almost ready to be dispatched. Before the pallets can be dispatched, you must update the dimensions and mass of each Shipping TrackID (pallet).

Note: The Shipping TrackID must be in a status of IN_PACKING, and all pick slips must have been added to a Shipping TrackID before final dimensions and mass is added.

This will happen while a pallet is physically being weighed and measured. A user would enter this information per Shipping TrackID either on the PC screen or the HTML5 scanner.

Note: At this stage, none of the transactions has been posted to SYSPRO, and you will still be able to unpick or unpack stock. For more information on palletizing stock, refer to Shipping Palletization

Try it!

Adding Dimensions and Mass can be done either on the PC-based screen or on the HTML5 Scanner.

The next step will be to truckload the finalized Shipping TrackIDs into the delivery vehicle when the shipping agent arrives - Shipping Truckload