Generate a TrackID label for returned merchandise

Warehouse Setup / TrackID Maintenance / TrackID Creation Advanced - TrackID Creation Advanced [WHS044]

The TrackID Creation Advanced module within DATASCOPE WMS is used to identify any stock in SYSPRO, but not in DATASCOPE WMS, and to print TrackID labels for that stock.

This module is typically used for the following:

  • to ensure all stock is labeled with DATASCOPE WMS labels before going live

  • to label customer-returned stock that has been returned using the RMA module in SYSPRO

After a Credit Note was processed within SYSPROs RMA module, the returned stock must be placed back into DATASCOPE WMS, and SYSPRO and DATASCOPE WMS must be balanced.

This module only displays SYSPRO stock and NOT Datascope WMS stock. Stock must still be moved back into DATASCOPE WMS to regain the balance of SYSPRO and DATASCOPE WMS.

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Try it!

  • From the Main Menu, you can browse to Warehouse Setup / TrackID Maintenance / TrackID Creation Advanced

Locate the TrackID Creation Advanced screen from the Main Menu
  • The TrackID Creation Advanced screen will open.

TrackID Creation Advanced screen
  • Start by selecting the warehouse from the Warehouse drop-down menu

  • Next, you can select a single Bin Location, by using the lookup icon or you can import a range of bin locations, from SYSPRO, by selecting the Import button next to the Bin Location field

  • Notice that you can click on the Information icon, next to the Import button, and a sample file will be available for you to use.  SAVE AS the sample file to populate your range of bins.

  • You must populate your range of bin locations in a comma-separated list in the file before you can import it. If you hover over the icon, you will also see an explanation


  • To use the sample file:

    • Save As the file in a folder of your choice

    • Update the Sample file with the correct Bins that you want to Import into the TrackID Creation Advanced screen

    • Select the Import button and browse to the location on your pc where you saved the file

    • A pop-up message will appear asking you whether you want to load the data from SYSPRO

    • Select Yes

  • Select the Refresh button to refresh the data grid.

  • All stock codes that sit in the RETURNS bin in SYSPRO will display in the data grid.

  • The column Qty To Distribute contain the total quantity of the stock code in this (RETURNS) SYSPRO bin.

  • Next, you must check the tick box in the Select column to select the record you want to work with. The Receipt Quantity column will change to an editable column

  • You can now edit this quantity to the quantity you want to display on the TrackID

There are various ways to create these TrackIDs:

More on TrackID Creation is available at - Labeling all Inventory in preparation for your Go Live