Counting the physical stock using the mobile device (Cycle Count)
When doing a Cycle Count, the users will start by counting and capturing the quantities on the physical floor. The Cycle Count module on the HTML5 scanners will be used.
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Try it!
To open the HTML 5 scanner window from the PC, go to the Ribbon bar at the top and select Launch HTML 5. This will open the HTML 5 sub-menu.
Click on the Launch HTML 5 icon.
Your HTML 5 window will load
You will notice that all the modules will be visible
Use the search icon to easily search for the Cycle Count module or browse through the windows to locate it
Click the Cycle Count button to open the window
Click on the Count Tab
Type or scan the Bin number in the Bin field. This is the Bin you want to Cycle Count
Select TAB
A pop-up will appear asking you whether you want to do a Full Bin Count
Select OK to do a Full Bin Count
Next, you must scan (or type in) the TrackID that is physically in the bin
Select TAB
If only one TrackID exists, the scanner will autoload the stock code and description
If more than one Stock Code exists, you will have to select one
Enter the quantity in the Quantity field after counting the physical stock in the TrackID
The Reason drop-down is not available in FASTTRACK WMS. Reason Codes can be set up for cycle count posts in the Premium version of the software, DATASCOPE WMS.
Select the Post button
Once all stock codes on the TrackID are counted, a pop-up may appear asking if you want to move on to the next TrackID
Select OK (if more items must be counted)
The count will be posted, and you can scan (or enter) the next TrackID in that Bin
If any item that is counted is a Lot Traceable item, and there is only one lot number on the scanned TrackID, that Lot Number and its expiry date will also autoload along with the stock code and description. If there are multiple lots on the scanned TrackID, you will be required to scan the Lot Number you are counting or select it from the drop-down
Again, you can enter your quantity and select Post
Continue counting all the physical TrackIDs in the current Bin by adding the quantities and posting it
The user can select the End TrackID button to complete the current TrackID or select the End Bin button when done counting the entire Bin
Exit the scanner-based screen once counting is completed
Let us now look at reviewing and processing these adjustments on the PC-based screen.