Scheduled Cycle Count [STK055]

Scheduled Cycle Count [STK055]

Cycle counting is the process of frequently counting pre-determined portions of the total inventory throughout the year. It is an efficient way to count the physical stock QTYs in the warehouse without performing a wall-to-wall inventory count. This usually necessitates a shutdown of all warehouse stock movements for some time.

The Cycle Count Scheduler Advanced module assists Warehouse Managers in controlling and overseeing their warehouse Cycle Count process. It allows users to count stock residing in specific bin locations or all bin locations containing a specific stock code or Lot number without counting everything in the warehouse.

The screen allow users to start counting the inventory according to the cycle count schedule and allocated dates.

  • Select the warehouse from the Warehouse drop-down.

  • Select a Schedule Type from the drop-down.

Note: If you created a Stock Code or Lot Cycle Count schedule, you will be selecting those Schedule Types.

  • Select a Count Type of SCHEDULED.

  • Select the Search button or the data grid to load.

  • The data grid will load according to the schedule.

  • Select the first bin in the list and click Next. The Items Tab will open.

  • The system automatically assigns the first bin location to the logged-in user.

  • All the TrackID within the assigned Bin will be visible on the screen.

  • Select the first item on the list and start counting. When selecting the item, the software will automatically move to the Count Tab.

  • However, if there’s no ACTIVE TrackIDs in the bin a pop-up will appear. However, if there’s stock in the Bin you can count it. Select Yes on the pop-up. You will be directed to the Add Count tab.

  • The Count tab works precisely like the standard Cycle Counting screen.

  • Type or scan the Bin number in the Bin field. This is the Bin you want to Cycle Count

  • Select TAB

  • Next, you must scan (or type in) the TrackID that is physically in the bin.

  • Select TAB

  • If only one TrackID exists, the scanner will autoload the stock code and description.

  • If more than one Stock Code exists, you must select one. If it is a Lot traceable stock code, then you must also enter the Lot number.

  • Enter the quantity in the Quantity field after counting the physical stock in the TrackID.

  • Select a reason from the Reason drop-down.

  • Select Post.


  • The calculator icon next to the Quantity field can be used if cartons contain set quantities per carton plus items not in a carton and you want to calculate the total quantity quickly.

  • Reason codes must first be configured before they will be visible in the Reason drop-down. To configure Reason Codes, browse the Main Menu to Stock Take and Cycle Counting / Cycle Counting / Cycle Count Reason Codes.

  • The Zero Count button can be used if the TrackID is not physically in the bin.


  • None

SYSPRO REQUIREMENTS & Business objects used

  • None


  • Release notes 24.1 (Ticket #8119) - The Manual Tab has been renamed to Add Count. The user can add stock to the cycle count table. It is only used for stock that may not have appeared on the schedule, but the Operator found while doing the scheduled count.

  • Release notes 24.3 (Ticket #8894) -After entering a value in the quantity field (in the Count Tab), the conversion from stocking UOM to Alternative UOM will be displayed on a label next to the Quantity field.







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