Job Pick to TrackID [PIK063]

The Operator will use this screen to start picking a Job Pick slip assigned to the user.

You’ll need to understand the Pick slip review PC screen to start transacting Job pick slips. This screen gives the user an excellent overview of all picking slips in various statuses. The screen is used extensively in the warehouse to monitor progress.

Pick Slip assigning can be done on either the PC screen or the scanner as part of the picking process.

Note: When doing assignments with the scanner, it depends on how your permissions are set up. You can let the Operator do the assignment himself as part of the picking process, or a supervisor can do the assignment.

Assigning from the scanner

  • Notice that this screen is broken down into multiple TABS, starting with Assign.

  • The user will use the Assign TAB to assign pick slips to themselves.

  • The user will simply type or scan the pick slip number into the Pick Slip field

Note: The pick slip number is made up of the pick slip number plus the warehouse code, so if you do type it in, ensure to include both. Alternatively, the pick slip number is barcoded on the actual pick slip document, and can just be scanned in.

  • The pick slip will automatically be assigned to the user once tabbed off the Pick Slip field and the assigned pick slip will show in the Slips Tab

Picking a Job Pick Slip assigned to you

  • The Slips Tab shows all the pick slips already assigned to the logged-in user

  • The user will click on a pick slip and select Next to start picking. The scanner will automatically move to the Items TAB. This is where all the line items for that pick slip are visible.

Note: By default, the system will navigate the user through the warehouse in the Bin Number sequence to pick each required stock code.

  • If the user is following the Bin Number sequence indicated by the system, then they can just select Next. This will move to the next TAB, which is the Pick TAB.

  • The required stock code, Qty and reserved TrackID, and bin location are displayed at the top of the Pick TAB screen. The reserved Lot (if the item is Lot traceable) and the stock code description will display in the blue bar under the Sugg TrackID.

  • The user must then physically go to the suggested bin location and find the suggested TrackID. This must be scanned in the TrackID field. The rest of the screen will then autoload with the relevant information. For example, the available Qty of stock on that TrackID will show for information purposes.

  • Next the user must enter the Qty being picked and click Post

  • If the suggested TrackID is not available, the user can click the Lookup Stock button to reveal where else in the warehouse this stock code resides to pick off a different TrackID.

  • After picking is completed, select Post, and the scanner will direct the user to the remainder of the stock codes to be picked.

  • Lastly, once all stock codes have been picked, the Confirm TAB will display. Over/under-picked items outside of the picking tolerance will appear in red, over/under-picked items within tolerance will appear in yellow and exactly satisfied items will appear in green

  • Select Confirm to complete the pick. The Confirm process issues the picked material to the job in SYSPRO.



  • None


  • None

SYSPRO REQUIREMENTS & Business objects used

  • None


Release 24R2 (DevOps #7821) - The ability to add a reason code when cancelling a pick slip. Refer to the Cancellation Reasons PC-screen.