KPI Reports Overview
Ribbon Bar / Launch HTML5 / Launch KPI
The standard DATASCOPE KPI reports are developed for the HTML5 web screens. The reports are SQL scripts exposed as graphs in the web view. These pre-configured reports are context-driven and enable you to act instantly on events. The FASTTRACK WMS installation already has pre-configured graphs to start using immediately. However, we allow you to develop your own reports according to your business requirements.
For more information on developing your own KPI reports talk to your local DATASCOPE Solution Provider (DSP)
Note: These reports are not detailed ClickView or specialized report reports, and therefore, you cannot drill down or slice the data into more detail. They are however reconfigurable to suit your needs, and if you can develop your own SQL Stored Procedures you can create your own detailed reports.
Try it!
Open the WMS application
From the Ribbon Bar select Launch HTML5 / Launch KPI
The HTML 5 KPI Report Welcome Dashboard screen will open
On the menu bar at the top of the screen you can select the arrow next to KPI to view various preconfigured reports
If you select the arrow next to My KPIs you will see a list of your own Reports.
Under My Dashboards you will see a list of your own configured Dashboards.