TrackID Consolidate (PC-based)

This module is used to move a single stock code from an existing TrackID onto a different or brand new TrackID. This is often used to clean up a warehouse, for example, inventory on one pallet can be moved onto another pallet to free up bin space in the warehouse. 

Note: The entire TrackID with all its contents does not move its location – only the stock code you selected will move.

For more information on moving an entire TrackID with all its content, refer to Bin Transfers (HTML5)

This module is also available on HTML5. For more information, refer to TrackID Consolidate (HTML5)

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Try it!

  • From the Main Menu, you can browse to Warehouse Movements / Warehouse Movement / TrackID Consolidate

  • The TrackID Consolidate screen will open.

  • Enter or select the TrackID of the pallet from which the stock must be moved.

  • If the TrackID has multiple stock codes on it, you will be required to select which stock code you want to move from the drop-down list.

  • Select the Stock Code from the drop-down.

  • The Description will load automatically.

  • Enter the Lot number, if applicable.

  • The Bin and Available Qty will load automatically.

  • Enter the Quantity that must be moved.

  • Enter or select the To TrackID of the pallet that the stock is being moved to.

  • The Bin will load automatically. This is purely for information purposes.

  • Select Post

  • The software will transfer the stock code (and a lot if applicable) that you have selected from off the supplying TrackID and onto the destination TrackID in both DATASCOPE WMS and SYSPRO.

  • If the destination TrackID is in a different warehouse or bin than the supplying TrackID, the software will perform a bin and/or a warehouse transfer of the stock code that has been selected.

  • To print a new TrackID label, refer to TrackID Reprint [LAB001]