Create a Custom Task

Task Management / Task Maintenance / Task Master List [TIL001]

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Copy a Standard Task

  • Custom tasks are created from the Task Master List, under Task Management

  • There are two standard tasks. These can be used as a base to generate a new custom task.

  • Select the Copy link under the Action column in the data grid.

Copy link
  • The Copy (Create new from existing) pop-up window will populate automatically with some of the standard task fields.

Copy (Create new from existing) pop-up window
  • The remaining fields can be updated to create a new Custom task.

    • Task code – must be a unique identifier for the task to be created.

    • Task type – this field will be greyed out, but the type will be CUSTOM by default.

    • Task Name – as you have copied a SYSTEM task, that task name will appear in this field, but you are able to update this according to the new task you are creating.

    • MHE – are a drop-down list where you can select a specific Material Handling Type.

    • Est. Time – refer to the total number of minutes it will require the Operator to complete the task.

    • Application – this is a drop-down with a list of all modules from which tasks can be created for.

    • UserDef. – this is a free text field that can be used to store any custom field that is required.

    • Description – click on the Edit link to edit the existing description of the task you copied.

  • Select Save to save the new Custom task.

  • An illustrative instance of configuring a custom task can involves linking a custom module to a designated HTML5 module and generating corresponding tasks within this context.

  • Once saved the data grid will update with the newly created Custom task.

  • CUSTOM tasks will have an Edit link under the Action column, as where SYSTEM tasks will only have a Copy link.

  • When selecting the Edit link, the Edit Task pop-out window will appear, and the fields can be updated if required.

Create a new Task

  • Creating a new Task can also be done from the Task Master List, under Task Management.

  • Hover over the Create button, to open the Create menu.

  • Populate the fields, similar when copying an existing standard task.

  • Select Save

  • Next, you will have to link the required Task Script to the associated Trigger.