Create a non-stocked item pick slip
Order Release / Pick Slip Release / Sales Order Release [PIK001]
Non-stock items are not usually stocked in a warehouse, so a non-stock pick slip cannot be created and picked using an HTML5 mobile device. However, DATASCOPE PREMIUM WMS allows a unique non-stock pick slip to be created for all non-stock items to provide some paperwork for tracking these items through the warehouse.
Note: To generate a non-stock pick slip, at least one stocked item pick slip from the same Sales Order must be created.
The non-stock pick slip will have the same number as the stocked pick slip, but the warehouse code will be two stars, which is SYSPRO’s generic non-stock warehouse identifier.
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Try it!
The statuses through which a non-stock pick slip moves will also be identical to the stocked pick slip.
Open the Sales Order in DATASCOPE PREMIUM WMS.
Browse the Main Menu to Order Release / Pick Slip Release / Sales Order Release.
Enter the Sales Order number into the Sale Order field.
All non-stock items in Ship in SYSPRO will be displayed in blue text. All non-stock items not in Ship in SYSPRO will be displayed in purpose text. Refer to the colour legend above the data grid.
A pick slip cannot be created for non—stock items that are not shipped (which are in purpose text)
Reserve TrackIDs for the stocked line. Notice that the option to reserve TrackIDs for the non-stocked items does not exist.
Select the Confirm button in the bottom right-hand corner.
A pop-up will appear asking whether a pick slip must also be printed for the non-stocked item.
Select Yes.
The printer pop-up will appear. Select the appropriate printers and Apply.
Two pick slips will be printed. One for the stocked items and one for the non-stocked items, but both pick slips will have the same pick slip number.
Viewing Non-stock Pick Slips
Non-stock pick slips are not visible on the Pick Slip Review screen. To view them, browse to the Non-Stocked Pick Slip Review.
From the Main Menu, browse Order Release / Pick Slip Management / Non-Stocked Pick Slip Review.
Pick slips can be located by Printed dates, Sales Order number, or Customer.
Right-click on a line to view the Pick Slip details. Select View Pick Slip Details.
By right-clicking, you can also view the Status History and SYSPRO Status.
Picking the stock
Picking the stocked pick slip can proceed normally – open the HTML5 Sales Pick to TrackID on the mobile device.
For more information, refer to Sales Pick to TrackID User Guide.
Once the stock has been picked, the Picker will move the items to the Dispatch cages where the non-stock items would have been received and labeled.
The stocked and non-stocked items will be consolidated during the Check Out Audit.
Check out the stock
Open the Check Out Audit HTML5 screen on the mobile device.
For more information, refer to Check Out Audit User Guide.
Scan or enter the stocked or non-stocked item pick slip number. As they are linked, both will load in the data grid.
Select the Check Out button to continue with the checkout.
The stocked items will be displayed first.
Enter the Qty Checked.
Select the Post button.
A pop-up message will appear, stating that non-stocked items must be checked.
Select OK.
The scanner will scroll through all the non-stock items on the pick slip.
Select Post.
A pop-up will appear, stating that the Summary screen will be displayed.
Select Confirm. Both pick slips will be confirmed together.
Next, you can process an Invoice from the scanner.
The Non Stocked Pick Slip Review screen will update with the Invoice number.
The stocked pick slip will be in an INVOICED status on the Pick Slip Review screen.
Typically, the following process will be followed: