Check Out Audit [CHK104]

This screen guides the checkout staff through each item on a pick slip to confirm the QTYs and Lots (if appropriate) that have been picked.

Typically, the checkout process will occur after picking slips have been confirmed on the HTML5 mobile device (various picking strategies exist, but the Sales Pick to Pickslip is the simplest one) and after the status of the pick slip has changed to PICKED. DATASCOPE PREMIUM WMS has several Check Out modules; however, this Check Out Audit HTML5 module is the simplest. The purpose of this module is to guide the checkout staff through each item on a pick slip to confirm the QTYs and Lots (if appropriate) that have been picked. The checkout staff will be a separate team stationed at the dispatching area or dispatch cages, and their primary role is to double-check the picker’s work. After a picker has confirmed his pick on his mobile device and the pick slip status has changed to PICKED, his job is over, and the checkout staff takes over.

This Consolidated Checkout module's primary function is to assist warehouses that use large SYSPRO Sales Orders, split into multiple picking slips, picked over time, and invoiced as one Sales Order. A typical example of this will be Project Sales Orders that typically span over a couple of days or weeks, and the warehouse must only invoice the customer once at the end of the project period or month. Individual pick slips will be generated against one large SYSPRO Sales Order, and the pick slips will be picked as the stock becomes available. The picked stock will be staged in some demarcated checkout cages for a once-off dispatch or invoice.

Note: It's important to note that the warehouse will still perform its usual Checkout transaction. The Consolidated Checkout module is a tool that comes into play after the checkout process and before invoicing or dispatch noting. Its purpose is to ensure that all the associated picking slips for the same SYSPRO Sales Order are combined into one invoice or dispatch note, simplifying the final stages of the order fulfilment process.

These pick slips must have a status of CHECKED, if they are in the incorrect status this screen can be used to move them to the correct status.

  • Scan or enter the pick slip number in the Pick Slip field. The pick slip number can be entered with or without the warehouse code.

Note: Typically, the pick slip paperwork is part of the physically picked product, which contains a barcode for easy scanning.

  • When tabbing off the field, the data grid will load. The status column will indicate that the pick slip is correct and in a PICKED status.

  • Select the Check Out button to continue.

  • The next screen will scroll through each item on the pick slip with the QTY that has been picked, visible in the Quantity field in the data grid, according to the pick slip.

  • Enter the first stock code in the Stock Code field (or if a system setting has been configured it will populate automatically)

Note: A system setting determines whether the Stock Code will load automatically or must be scanned or entered. The default setting is Y(es), allowing the stock code to populate the Check Out tab automatically. To change this setting, navigate to Settings / System Settings on the Ribbon Bar and locate the CHECK_OUT_AUDIT setting. Update the PRE_POPULATE_STOCKCODE setting value to N(o), forcing the user to scan or enter the stock code.

  • The checkout user can enter the Qty Checked in the Qty Checked field.

  • The user can select the Calculator icon next to the Qty Checked field to count pack sizes if required.

  • If the Calculator is used and the Calc button is selected, the software will automatically update the Qty Checked field.

  • After the Qty Checked field has been updated, select Post.

  • The logic of this screen does not allow the Qty Checked to be greater than the QTY picked. A Warning message will pop up.

  • Lesser amounts are valid as you may find more of that same product later when checking the same order.

  • After posting the first line, the pick slip's next stock code will be displayed in the data grid. The user can enter the stock code in the Stock code field (or it will load automatically, depending on the system setting configured) and continue counting. This process must be followed for the entire pick slip and physically counting and checking the items picked.

  • If an item is Lot traceable, the user must count the QTYs for each associated Lot number, which will be visible in the data grid.

  • Once all items have been counted, a message will appear stating that all items have been counted.

  • The software will automatically move over to the Summary tab.

  • All items will display green if the Required and Checked QTYs are equal.

  • Select Confirm.

  • However, if some items were short checked out, they will appear red in the data grid, and the Confirm button will be disabled.

  • The purpose of this Check Out Audit module is to confirm a 100% match of the QTYs that the picker confirmed on his mobile device and the physical items in front of the checker. Only a 100% match of all items can be confirmed.

  • Use the checkboxes on the left-hand side of the data grid to reset the Checked QTYs for each red line. This will allow the checker to recheck the QTYs.

  • Select the check box of the first red line and select Rescan.

  • A pop-up message will appear stating that the checkout quantity will be reset.

  • Once the Required and Checked QTYs are equal, all lines will be green. Select Confirm.

  • When selecting Confirm, all lines on the SYSPRO Sales Order will SHIP. This SHIP transaction occurs as a Warehouse Setting is set to only SHIP at CHECKOUT.


  • Users have the option to display/use either the Invoice or Dispatch buttons. DATASCOPE PREMIUM WMS defaults to only showing the INVOICE button, as warehouses will either Dispatch or Invoice and therefore, both buttons are not required on this screen.

  • If your warehouse uses Dispatch Put-Away cages or demarcated areas at its dispatch bay, you can use the Dispatch Put Away button at any time during the Check Out Audit process.

  • A handy feature is to get an Invoice Required pop-up after the Confirmed button has been selected and the checkout is complete.

  • The only other applicable setting under system settings / CHECK_OUT_AUDIT is the CHECK_OUT_NON_STOCK_ITEMS. By default, this is set to Y(es). Any non-stock items in SHIP on the SYSPRO Sales Order of the pick slip you are checking out will also be checked out. You will receive a pop-up stating that these items must also be checked out, but no transaction happens with these items. This feature forces the user to find the non-stock item and ensure it is dispatched along with the stocked items.  As the non-stock items are already in SHIP on the SYSPRO Sales Order, it will print on the Invoice or Dispatch note automatically.


  • To activate the Dispatch button, update the Warehouse setting DISPLAY_DISPATCH_BUTTON. Browse Settings / Warehouse Settings on the Ribbon Bar and select the applicable warehouse. Locate the CHECKOUT_AUDIT setting and change the DISPLAY_DISPATCH_BUTTON setting value to Y(es). The DISPLAY_INVOICE_BUTTON can also be enabled or turned on or off here. Select Apply.

  • The Dispatch Put Away button can be turned on or off depending on whether your warehouse uses Dispatch Put Away cages. The DISPLAY_PUTAWAY_BUTTON system setting must be updated to turn this button on or off. Browse Settings / System Settings from the Ribbon Bar and locate the CHECK_OUT_AUDIT setting. Change the DISPLAY_PUTAWAY_BUTTON value to either Y(es) to display the button or N(o) to turn off the button. Select Apply to save your changes.

  • By default, this is set to N(o). To activate this setting, browse on the Ribbon Bar to Settings / Warehouse Settings. Select the applicable warehouse and locate the REQUEST_INVOICE_POPUP setting under CHECK_OUT_AUDIT. Chante the setting value to Y(es). Select Apply to save the change.

SYSPRO REQUIREMENTS & Business objects used

  • None