Check Out Put Away [CHK105]
When your pick slips have been completely picked and confirmed on the scanner, the picked stock is often physically moved to some dedicated checkout lane at the dispatching side of the warehouse. These checkout lanes are often caged or lockable areas in which the responsibility of the pick slip is handed over to the checkout staff. In these checkout locations or lanes, a double-check of the stock codes, Qty, and lots that have been picked takes place.
This Checkout Put Away screen will be used for this purpose. Posting the pick slip to its new location is done as follows:
On this screen, you can enter the pick slip number with the status of PICKED
View the pick slips in the Pick Slip Review PC screen to confirm the PICKED status.
TAB to the Check Out Location field and enter the new Bin Location number. For Put Away transactions, you would typically use a Receiving Bin Type.
Note: typically, the warehouse staff, will scan the Check Out Location. It can either hang from the ceiling or be located on a little stand outside the cage door, indicating, which lane the pick slip is being handed over to.
Select Post to put it away.
If you open the Review Pick Slip module on the PC screen, you will notice that the Bin Location column will be updated to the new Put Away location.
Note: This is one stage before invoicing and is very important for gate control.
As all transactions in DATASCOPE WMS get time-stamped, you will have a record of the put-away action and can start timing the checked-out items by checking the pick slip accuracy.
SYSPRO REQUIREMENTS & Business objects used